Chhota Bheem aur Krishna - Rise of Kirmada

Chhota Bheem aur Krishna - Rise of Kirmada

Chhota Bheem aur Krishna - Rise of Kirmada Full Movie NOW AVAILABLE ON

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Kirmada's entire powers are dissolved and he zooms into the depths of hell saying that he will come back again. Meanwhile, Indraverma is recollecting his good old days.

Listening to her father Indumati deeply feels for him and prays to Krishna. Bheem is surprised to see Kanha in Dholakpur, the next day. Kanha takes Bheem and his friends on a journey to invite all the three kings for a food carnival as per Indumati's wish.

On the way Kanha helps Bheem to go through all the obstacles he comes across. Soon Kirmada on the other side once again becomes super powerful on the full moon day and marches ahead raising panic all around. Will Bheem and Kanha fight Kirmada's bat army and overcome all the hurdles to defeat him?