After the fall of Mahashaitaan, Bhakshak is released from Mahashaitaan’s grasp. Bhakshak designed to be the Bhakshak of the world, begins to eat up different planets, solar systems etc for their Jiv Shakti. As Bhakshak's insatiable hunger threatened to consume one Grah Mandal/ planetary system after another, whispers of despair spread throughout the cosmos. Bheem’s friends from Surya Graha suffer their planet/home being consumed by Bhakshak and escape his clutches by a whisper and seek asylum in Dholakpur. In Dholakpur, Dhooni Baba and the refugees from Surya Graha apprise Bheem of the fact that Bhakshak has risen and threatens to destroy all Creation. The gang is surprised at this because last time they had defeated Bhakshak using the combined powers of the Agni Chakra, Agni Ratna and Agni Astra. Clueless, as to how Bhakshak can noe be defeated again, the gang seeks Kanha’s intervention who guides them on towards a quest for the Trimurti Ratna in Ratna Lok. In this episode Bheem and gang set off to find the first of the Trimurti Ratnas: the Antar Ratna
After the three Kirmadas escape the Universe prison they head to Earth to forever claim the Sword of light as theirs. Meanwhile, in Dholakpur, Surya has turned to stone because the Sword of Light is broken. Bhoomi arrives in Dholakpur have seen the escape of the Kirmadas through her divine powers. Bhoomi informs the gang of the existence of the multi-verse and multiple Kirmadas. She also tells them that the only way to defeat the three Kirmadas is for Bheem to find and unite the three Bheems of the three worlds. The heroes would re-join the sword of light and defeat and imprison the Kirmadas again in the Universe Prison. She directs Bheem and gang to head to the Samay Parvat or Mountain of Time to find the opening into the multi-verse. While the gang heads to Samay Parvat, Kirmadas attack and turn Dholakpur into Kirmada ka Dholakpur.Kirmada then sends the kid Kirmada, Kiru after Bheem and gang to retrieve the pieces of the Sword of Light and to stop them from finding the other Bheems in the other worlds.
Having lost Phani-Mani to Bhakshak , Bheem now ahs new adversaries in Ratna-lok: the royal family of Ratna Lok. Both King Ratnakaar and General Dushtakaar are heart-broke at losing the princesses to Bhakshak and blame Bheem and his friends for the state of the royal princesses: Phani and Mani. From now on, Bheem is persecuted by one and all in Ratna Lok as the royal family has promised Bhakshak that Ratna Lok will deliver Bheem and gang to him. Meanwhile in Dholakpur, Bhakshak is sucking Kanha’s Jiv Shakti to become all powerful in the cosmos. And Bheem and gang have to find the last of the Trimurti Ratnas to stop Bhakshak from destroying everything. Braving persecution and pursuit in Ratna Lok Bheem and gang enters the realm of the Amritya Ratna; the final of the Trimurti stones and face the guarding-spirits protecting the Amritya Ratna. The gang manages to defeat the guardians and get the Amritya Ratna but Bhakshak has enterd Ratna Lok with all of Kanha’s powers now. And thus Bheem faces the mightiest of his adversaries in Bhakshak.