Shaitaan sends Damyaan to retrieve the Jal Chakra from Sagarpur; the land of water-benders. As piercing Conch-shell sound blares through and rips apart Dholakpur, Indravarma senses that this is a call from Sagrpur and that the Jal Chakra is in danger. He sends Bheem and gang to help King Mahasagar of Sagarpur to save the Jal Chakra.
Just as they reach Sagrpur they are attacked by a vicious monster who drowns their ship. All seems lost, till the gang retains consciousness underwater and learn that the monster was in reality Prince Samudra using his Akora powers. Bheem and Gang tell King Mahasagar that King Indravarma sent them here to protect the Jal Chakra. Mahasagar tells them that they can only protect the Jal Chakra by learning the four types of water-bending: Akora, Haddibaddi, Akiki and Chipkora. The gang begins to learn these but learn that there is another fifth type of water-bending: Jhilmil and a lot of dark secrets around this power and the last Jhilmil water-bender: Simhika. Before they can know more the gang learns that Damyaan is on his way to Sagarpur with an army of ferocious Akora water-benders and their training is not even complete.
While getting trained in Akora technique for the upcoming face-off, Raju seems to have a better hold of the technique than his friends. However, they Damyaan attacks Sagarpur before the kids could finish their training. Bheem and team along with the four clans and their leaders, Samudra and King Mahasagar give Damyaan a tough time in the fight, but Damyan is able to seize Mahasagar's trident finally capturing him. Akiki and Bulbuli decide to send Samudra along with Bheem and team in search of Simhika as they feel Damyan has become even more evil and powerful with the trident.
Bulbula decides to stay back to provide support for Mahasagar, but Damyan uses him to extract information from Mahasagar about Bheem’s next step. To their shock, Bheem and team face Damyan when they enter Chipkora island in search of Simhika. Damyan is all ready to take them out but Simhika comes out of nowhere and spoils Damyan’s plan to harm Samudra; however, Simhika does not look friendly towards the kids or even Samudra himself. Now, they have to find a way to calm Simhika down and convince her to help them defeat Damyan.
Bheem and gang enter the Chakrvavyuha of Sagarpur and fight the monsters inside it, protecting the Jal Chakra. However, Damyaan enters the scene with Mahasagar and Simhika as hostages, just before the kids could take the Chakravyuha under their control. Damyaan asks the kids to exchange the Chakravyu a in exchange of both king Mahasagar and Simhika’s life. Bheem does not have much of a choice, so he trades the Jal Chakra to save King Mahasagr’s life as well as that of Simhika. To their surprise, Damyaan hands the Jal Chakra over to Mahasagar and commands him to link the power of the Trident with Damyaan’s soul.
Mahasagar has no choice but to obey Damyaan’s commands as he looksi to be the most powerful evil at this point of time. After the link is done, Damyaan gets complete control over all water in the entire world because he now controls the Trident of Sagarpur.