New Maha Blockbuster Chhota Bheem - Sarplok Ka Sarvanaash

New Maha Blockbuster Chhota Bheem - Sarplok Ka Sarvanaash

New Maha Blockbuster Chhota Bheem - Sarplok Ka Sarvanaash

Sarplok ka sarvanaash
Sarplok ka sarvanaash
Sarplok ka sarvanaash




One night, Bheem & friends track a half-serpent intruder in the palace and find out that he is Phanik, the prince of Sarpalok who had come for the vajramani, a geode in Indravarma’s possession, to counter a mysterious stranger who has usurped the throne of Sarpalok using a powerful weapon, the Naagvyom. Bheem & friends accompany Phanik to Sarpalok but, to their shock, they are attacked by Damyaan who reveals once he assembles the Naagvyom he will annihilate the world. Bheem & friends escape into three magical arenas known as the Sarpakund. The first is a lair of two Spider-witches; the second is a fantastical world of all wishes fulfilled, which in turn steals away your memory; and the third is a glitching world where no object stays in the same place and keeps switching positions. Thanks to their combined strengths, the kids make it through the first two Sarpakund arenas. But then Damyaan strikes viciously and snatches the Vajramani and the final piece of Naagvyom, fuses it to his body and turns invincible.Despite being attacked mercilessly, Bheem regains the Naagvyom using which Phanik obliterates Damyaan.

New Maha Blockbuster Chhota Bheem - Sarplok Ka Sarvanaash