new maha blockbusters chhota bheem mahavinashi ka badla

new maha blockbusters chhota bheem mahavinashi ka badla

new maha blockbusters chhota bheem mahavinashi ka badla

rangda ka mayajaal
rangda ka mayajaal
rangda ka mayajaal




Mahavinashi is back and this time she steals the powerful Pashu Sahkti from the Pashu Pedh in Baghshah's magic realm. Now all the animals have become weak and affected. Mahavinashi comes to Dholakpur and attacks it. Baghshah gives Bheem and friends their Pashu Avatars so they can fight Mahavinashi and take the Pashu Shakti back from her with the Jaduii Chumbak. Bheem and friends destroy her magic orb But Mahavinashi defeats them and destroys Dholakpur and the Jaduii Chumbak.

Bheem and friends head to search for the Jaduii Chumbak metal to make another one with Buk Buk and Acchi Pari's help. But their paths cross once again with Mahavinashi. Bheem destroys her orb of destruction but she takes his friend's courage. Bheem and friends now go to Himmat Grah to win a challenge and restore their lost courage. But time is running out and they must stop Mahavinashi before all the animals disappear and the world is destroyed.

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